Early Upgrades for Ultramarine 41
We’re proud to announce that upgrades to Ultramarine Linux 41 (Cyberia) are ready right now in your edition’s app store!
In Ultramarine 40, the dnf
command uses dnf5, which may break certain
release upgrades. Upgrade graphically, or use dnf4
Raspberry Pi users should wait to upgrade, we will have more information for you soon.
Ultramarine 41 comes with the usual desktop and under-the-hood changes for our existing users. In addition, Flagship and Xfce Edition are switching to Slick greeter from LightDM-GTK, this will happen automatically when you upgrade.
This release also comes with umcli, more information to come!
We know this seems lackluster, but a lot of our changes are for new installs and hardware enablement this time around, so stay tuned!
Unlike previous releases, everything is now handled in your edition’s app store. If you’re on Flagship, GNOME, or Xfce, it’s called Software. On Plasma, it’s called Discover.
You may need to update your copy of Ultramarine 40 before the upgrade will become available.
Command Line
In case the above doesn’t work, you can always upgrade through the command line, using dnf4 system-upgrade
Run the following and follow the prompts:
sudo dnf4 upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf4 install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf4 system-upgrade download --releasever=41
sudo dnf4 system-upgrade reboot
Wallpaper Contest
Congratulations to im.j for submitting the team’s favorite wallpaper, and winning the community wallpaper contest with ‘Paradise’! This wallpaper will be available after you upgrade.
If your favourite submission didn’t win, don’t fret, they’ll be available in an extras package soon!
Getting Support
If you need any help please reach out in one of our chats.